Friday, September 08, 2006

Microsoft goes DMS...but how and why?

So Microsoft is officially entering the dealer management system (DMS) business. We have a year to go before its pilot program is launched, but what is the meat behind this story and how does it affect you?

It all starts with the Nellemann Group, a Danish-based automobile import and retail company of over 100 years. Infonizer, a fully owned subsidiary of Nellemann, is the IT company behind Microsoft's initiative into DMS-land. Infonizer is a Microsfot Certified Business Solutions Partner that utilizes Microsfot's Dynamics AX ERP solution, from which Microsoft's DMS will be produced.

What this means to me is that Microsoft is obviously thinking globally here. The automotive online retail business is solidifying in the U.S. in a big way, but what about Europe, Asia, and South America? ADP and R&R are making strides in this direction, but Microsoft, being Microsoft, could very well have a multi-continental solution that puts these two giants in the hot seat.

What are your initial thoughts about Microsoft enetering the DMS business? Post a comment now!!!

Related Links and Articles:
Read Computer World Article
Microsfot Dynamics AX
This thread on

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